April 9, 2009

Fill in the blank & Signing ABCs

Pooks is doing great with her words. I think she must have about 150-200 now. I lost track after 120. She is by no means to the point where she can make a sentance. She is starting to put 2 words together more and more. Like "Bye Daddy", "I don't know" and "Help me".

Since she can't sing songs with the correct words we do fill in the blanks. I will sing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little _____" and she will say "star". We have been doing this for lots of songs, the ABC's and 123's. I couldn't believe how many she would get right. Of course when I tried to get her to show my mom she didn't get any right. :P

We are also working on signing the ABC's. I think I might of mentioned this before. We are up to H now. I just do it with her once in a while when I remember, and occasionally let her watch the signing on Starfall. For some reason that is her favourite.


It's a Full House said...

Sounds like Pookie (I'm not sure if you wanted me to use her real name)is doing great with her words. I do fill in the blank w/William all the time, hoping one day he'll be able to do it himself. We're still not that great at the ABC's, but I think we'll get there. Thanks for all the wonderful updates...you should try and get a video of her on here. :)

Lindsay said...

I love the fill in the blanks idea. My grandparents used to do that with me when I was learning my nursery rhymes. They said that I could say most of them using that technique by about this age too. Logan just wants me to recite the whole thing and then he claps and says more. :P