June 12, 2009

Scissors & drawing

We were at the play centre one day and Everly saw another child using scissors.  She had a go and she did GREAT!  I ran out right away and bought her a pair or kids scissors.  We have been cutting a few times a week and she is getting really good!  She can cut paper into pieces and seems to totally understand to keep her other hand away.  I have started showing her how to cut and then more the scissors to make the cut longer.  I do this a couple times and say "open, cut, open, MOVE, CUT!!"  She is starting to try.  

Using scissors is great for fine motor development and helps them build strength in their hands, which helps with drawing and writing.  We also cut foam tongue depressors, and straws.  
She has become interested in drawing again.  One day I drew a happy face on her paper, and now she always wants me to draw one.  She loves scribbling on it and trying to add arms and legs.  I help her draw her own as well because she wants to.  I read on MDC that to encourage creativity you shouldn't show kids how to draw things and just let them do it on their own.  I was planning to do that but now here we are.  :P  When she is adding arms and legs or eyes, I don't tell her if she is doing it right or not.  I just let her do it her own way. To me this seems like a good balance.

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