She is so different now. She is talking so much. Today we got home from the park and she said "I chase boys". OMG it was the cutest thing ever. She was chasing some boys there. When we go to the park she immediately tries to make friends and wants to play. She is talking pretty well so 2-4 year olds seem more interested in her now. She can pretty much climb anything at the park - including the things intended for older kids. I just spot her and she goes nuts.
Her tantrums are now few and far between. I think her language skills have helped with that and her eye teeth have come through now (only 6 more teeth to go!). She is just so much fun to be around. It is incredible how much she understands.
I finished "The Hurried Child" I mentioned before and I love the new perspective it has given me. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can just do what feels natural and not worry about "teaching". Since taking on this new philosophy Everly has really become interested in counting. She loves her counting books and if I don't actually count the items she will take my hand and make me help her point and count. I now have faith that she will learn to do all the things she needs when the time is right.